Oddest Things People Have Ever Placed
Betting is hugely popular and it seems like people can bet on practically anything. From ordinary sporting events to the strangest occasions around the world, the craziest bets have been made.
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1. Luck in Shipwrecks
In the 19th century, betting on shipwrecks was quite a popular pastime. It was a matter of port cities like New York and London to determine which ships would arrive safely and which would be lost. There were even special bookmakers whose specialty was these types of bets. This would be rather macabre today, but it was common practice back then.
2. The Loch Ness Monster
The legendary Loch Ness Monster has fascinated many people. Some were so convinced that they were willing to bet on it. There has been speculation for many years about whether the monster will ever be discovered or photographed. Even though there is no definitive evidence of Nessie’s existence, many fans remain.
4. Oscars

Betting on the Oscars is now quite common. But did you know that there are some pretty strange Oscar placings? Some people bet on things like the length of the acceptance speeches, whether someone will trip on stage, or even the color of the dresses the stars will wear.
5. The End of the World
Yes, you read that right. There are people who bet on when the world will end. These often include accurate predictions about the date and cause of the end of the world. Despite numerous failed predictions, there are still people who bet on the end of the world. Whether it’s out of conviction or fun is often unclear.
6. Weather Betting
Weather forecasts are sometimes inaccurate, and some people take advantage of this. There are bets on the forecast for a particular day. There are numerous options for doing this – be it on the temperature, rainfall or wind speed. These are especially popular during major events where the weather plays an important role.
7. Animal Betting

From snail racing to camel fighting, people bet on the strangest animal competitions. In some parts of the world, cockfighting and dog racing are very popular. But there are also more exotic options, such as frog or even ant racing. They are often part of local traditions and festivals and attract large crowds of spectators.
8. Celebrities
Betting on the lives of celebrities is also not uncommon. People bet on when and who a star will marry, who will be involved in the next scandal or even the names of celebrities’ next children. These are often based on gossip and are particularly popular with fans of gossip magazines.
9. Political events
Political betting is arguably one of the most serious categories. Who will win the next election, how certain events will unfold and what laws will be passed are all the subject of speculation. This can have far-reaching consequences and is often seen as an expression of public opinion and mood.